Five 2 Five Performance Horses LLC

Specializing in Quality Equine Sales and Marketing of APHA, AQHA, PtHA, ABRA, and ApHC Horses!


Current Sale Horses

Are you in the Market? We specialize in Marketing Quality APHA, AQHA, PtHA, and ApHC Horses. Check out a Complete List of Sale Horses By Clicking the Link below.

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Spend your money wisely! If you are considering listing your horse on the market, please contact us today to learn how we can help you maximize the value of your horse! We offer three different service levels, and multiple different discounts to make the selling process EASY!



Both buyers and sellers continually have great things to say about the services we provide. Check out what they had to say by clicking "learn more" below


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Meet Stephanie!

Ever since I can remember, the love of horses has been a strong part of my life and has only grown over the years. Starting at the young age of 6 riding hunters, I always had horses as a key part of my life and no matter what happened I always found a way to keep them apart of it. My very first horse purchase happened years later, and I had to work off half of the sale price mucking stalls and working around the farm for over a year! - but I was determined and hard work never deterred me from pursuing my passion.  I have had many great mentors over the years and made many great friends along the way; but I still had a inkling there was still a part missing...

Trying to find my "fit" in the horse industry has always been something I had thought about. I wanted to be involved at a deeper level than just being an exhibitor at shows - I wanted to find a way to truly be apart of the core of the horse world and make a difference. And just like any other thing that is meant to be, I stumbled into the world of marketing and selling and it has been the best experience I have had in all my 20+ years of riding horses. Every sale is about making that perfect match happen, and the feeling that goes along with it is amazing. I thought it all happened by chance, but looking back my passion for finding perfect matches in equine sales had been staring me in the face all along. I still hear back from people I have sold horses to long after the completion of the sale, and it is so rewarding!